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It's Alive! (1969, Horror) Tommy Kirk, Shirley Bonne, Bill Thurman | Movie

Trapped In a Cave of Terror! A loony farmer finds a prehistoric monster hiding in a cavern on his la ...View More

Vincent Price | The Last Man on Earth (1964) Horror Movie directed by Ubaldo Ragona | Colorized

Alive among the lifeless... alone among the crawling creatures of evil that make the night hideous w ...View More

The Last Man on Earth 1964 (Horror, Drama) Vincent Price, Franca Bettoia, Emma Danieli

Dr. Robert Morgan is the only survivor of a devastating world-wide plague due to a mysterious immuni ...View More

Monstrosity 1963 (Horror, Sci-Fi) Bodies for sale! Starring Marjorie Eaton, Frank Gerstle,

In the Name of Science, Fear Has a New Face! In a quest for eternal youth, a wealthy old woman emplo ...View More

The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy (1958) See the relentless machine battle the gruesome corpse

A mad doctor (Luis Aceves Castañeda) builds a robot (Adolfo Rojas) in order to steal a valuable Azte ...View More

The Manster (1959 Sci-Fi) Half-Man, Half-Monster!

The Manster (双頭の殺人鬼 / The Two Headed Monster) is a 1959 American science-fiction horror film. Shot i ...View More

The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962 Horror) Directed by Joseph Green

It was the strangest experiment ever conceived... and it didn't go as planned! After a car crash dec ...View More

original skin | Sci-Fi Short where People Body Swap through Sex

In an alternate world where having sex means swapping bodies with the other person, a young woman st ...View More

Refuge | Sci-Fi Short Film Starring Nikohl Boosheri

Set in the United States in 2020, a brewing cyberwar between the US and Iran puts Sonia, a young Ira ...View More

Body of the Mined | Award-Winning Sci-Fi Short Film

A woman moves home and meets a reclusive engineer at the brink of completing a bizarre machine. A s ...View More

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